Did you see us in Octobers issue of ‘I’m Pregnant’ magazine?
Our 'Baby Face... you’ve got the cutest little’ birth announcements have been featured. We have just found out that our ‘Baby Face’ announcements will also be featured in the February issue too so if you didn't see us in Octobers issue, look out for us today.
Our 'Baby Face... you’ve got the cutest little’ birth announcements have been featured. We have just found out that our ‘Baby Face’ announcements will also be featured in the February issue too so if you didn't see us in Octobers issue, look out for us today.
We'd like to say a big thank you to Eilidh & everyone at the magazine for featuring our products. If you've found us through their mag, we'd like to say thank you for visiting us.
Well done Clare. We know just how exciting it is to get a mention in a publication.
Thanks Hannah! It's always fab getting a mention in the press even better if it's a magazine. I don't think I'll ever ever tire of it. Such good publicity for a small business. And the best bit.... it's Freeeee!
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